'Artificial' - aa - tuh - fi - shl


Made by human work or art, not by nature; not natural.

Hello and welcome to my corner of the internet!

I made this website in November 2022 as I was growing increasingly frustrated with the modern web and social media. I really enjoyed getting involved in the neocities community, viewing other peoples' sites and creations and I was able to learn how to build a website myself, which is something I have very little experience in. Shortly after this, I stopped updating the website but I have since returned and will hopefully be semi-active in keeping this place alive.

So what is the purpose of this site? Well, as mentioned above, it is designed to be my own corner of the internet, away from the modern internet, and a place to express myself away from sites like Twitter (X 🤮) and Instagram. While I still have an account on the latter, mostly to keep up with friends, I have completely been off Twitter for a while now.

I would like this site to become a space to write blogs about various topics, share some of my (very amateur) photography, and maybe a few other things in the future. If you end up here, please feel free to leave a message in the guestbook. Thank you for stopping by for a while, happy surfing!